The Super Healing Powers of Tobacco Hydrosoul
August 31 2024 , the last 4 and half years have been life changing for all in some way shape or form , for me, one of the many ways, it has turned by alchemy deeper into the body. It was March of this year Dr. Ardis , one of the few Drs. I actually listen to and have respect for. He draws many of the same conclusions & research that I do. His research in March on Nicotine NOT being addictive and is a remedy for LH vid & other related situations was not new to me , I had figured out much of this through my own curiosity and research. I have attached the latest interview with Nino & the Drs, as he points out deep in this video, research requires asking the right questions and I guess that is why I get the answers I do. What he has access too that I don't is clinical lab trials, and for this I bow my head to him and thank him for that knowledge he brings to us all.
I have to be careful here how I word things so I am not going to say much but encourage you greatly to watch this video all the way through. several take aways that caught me and confirmed my research and I know will help many of you particularly those who struggle with the LHC. as well as those who were exposed to large amounts of jabbered people, as well as jabbered.
I just consulted with a client who was a worker in the hospitals, she is struggling now for a couple of years , she just came to me for consult as the DR#s. were prescribing her pharmaceuticals, that are not helping her with the spike exposure. Not to toot my horn but I will , I have the best remedies and protocols for spike.
With that said here are stand outs form the video~
This is one many just can not accept is that C#vid its self was and is a bio@wpean made up of snake veno#m, dropped in the water, sprayed from the Chem#trails and all other means possible. Dr #Ardis goes on to explains why the protocols in hospitals expired so many people.
As most of us with the eyes to see he confirms again and again, is that snake ve@om is in the jabber.
What the venom does to the body and that the effects can last up to 12 years, I got the Vid in January of 22, I felt poisoned , I have an incredible awareness of my body and I could feel snake like energy moving through my body I could feel it hit every system. I know what Kundalini energy is and this was different . FIY Kundalini is life force energy , this was the opposite.
Through getting the vid myself that lead me on a wild deep goose chase research and I came to the snake venom as well. From this research I developed Block the Spike body serum & tincture the ve#nom contributes to the production of spike proteins. I also learned from my research the effects were only 2 years, Dr. believes 12 years, and I also did NOT find as Dr. A#rdis did that it too is contributing to the turbo kan#cers, arthritis, lung disease and soo much more . I am not disputing his research just drawing comparisons and I feel he:s got it correct .
He goes on to say chew the gum get patched up with the nicotine patches . We don't know what else is in those patches and gum.
I say get the Tobacco hydrosol mist inside and out here is the link to Tobacco Hydrosol there is also how to use in the description
be well N