Collection: Detox

In May of 2021 I was brought to the Pinon Pine due to the Spike Protein's situation we have all been faced with . Since then I have learned the power of the Pinon Pine and how potent it is for the many different aliments that require purification & detoxification our "modern" world has brought us too. Much of the time Big Pharma causes more harm then good and so I always recommend a simple detox to first cleanse out the toxins before starting any new herbal protocol. As I find after a good simple detox with the Pinon Pine much of what ails a person is no longer there and health is restored. 

Our air, our water and even our home environments can be detrimental to our health. The toxins from Big Beauty Industrial complex has created a plethora of health issues for women. Many women are xplanting , breast implants, the Pinon Pine is a very helpful purifier for this issues as well as other chemicals of Botox and Fillers. 

 I have also brought into being a few other remedies that pair well with the Pinon Pine. Not only to we forage the Pinon Pine our selves, We grow with organic regenerative process Wormwood, which in conjunction with the Pinon Pine can bring about deep healing purification and health back into your life. 

I am available for wellness consultation please click on over to the sessions page for more details 


be well N


8 products